Youtube Ads

> > Signup to advertise on Youtube here < <

Youtube is the 2nd largest search engine on the planet, and the biggest up-and-coming ad network that contains TONS of cheap ad inventory, and some GREAT offers for free ad credits to new advertisers who signup. I’ve provided some amazing video ad swipes for you to use. Get on this ad network, and start launching ads while it is still underground, and while people still dont understand how to use it.

Ad Swipe Files Discussed in This Training

Video Ads Swipe File

Here is a swipe file of videos that have been proven by myself and other affiliates to work with business opportunity ads. These videos have brought me millions of dollars in revenue, and now they are yours.



Additional Resources

Apply For 1-on-1 Coaching
We have a few successful ex-students who are now coaches with the Super Affiliate System. Because we only have a limited number of highly trained coaches, there is an application process to work with them. Working with a coach can help accelerate your success in this new industry, help surround yourself with successful digital marketers, spend your ad dollars more wisely, and overcome any roadblocks that you come across quickly in this industry. I got my start in affiliate marketing by working closely with highly successful people, and I highly recommend you to do this as well.

Register for John’s Weekly Campaign Analysis Sessions

Make sure you are registered for my weekly sessions to get feedback from yours truly, and get the most out of the course.